This book is the result of a world seen by two different pairs of eyes, those of the photographer and those of a marine biologist. It reveals the extraordinary biodiversity of the ecosystem of the continental shelf that extends from the central region of Argentina and surrounds Tierra del Fuego towards southern Chile, encouraging the reader to enter a world that had until now been inaccessible and little studied. In a fascinating photographic tour, this book displays the exquisite forms of Argentina’s marine fauna, and how these strange creatures live and interact with each other.
Porifera, Islas Bridge, Canal Beagle
Anthozoa, Actinaria, Dactylanthus Antarcticus, Islas Bridge, Canal Beagle
Octocorallia, Coral Blando, Golfo San José
Ctenophora, Golfo Nuevo
Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nacella Magellanica, Islas Bridge , Canal Beagle
Bryozoa, Islas Bridge, Canal Beagle
Echinodermata, Asteroidea, Cosmasterias Lurida, Monte León
Pisces, Bovichtidae, Cottoperca Gobio, Islas Bridge, Canal Beagle