Bippus, Carlos

Carlos Bippus operated in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the early decades of the 20th century. He made various records of the city, many of which turned into postcards and illustrated photography albums that were primarily sold to tourists visiting the city. So far, little is known about the life of this photographer. He had a photographic studio - Photo Bippus - at 20 Vista Alegre Street, and later became a partner of Hurt Brand at Photo Brasil, at 144 Rio Branco Avenue. The partnership was dissolved in 1923, and Bippus became the sole owner of the establishment, which remained at the same address. In a news article published in "O Jornal" on November 23, 1923, his photographic art was praised as proficient and whimsical. In addition to his qualities as a landscape photographer, his skill as a portraitist was also highlighted.