Most of the images in this photobook are urban landscapes, views of cities that have built themselves and spread like oil spills. Cities that grow day by day and occupy every available square meter like an unstoppable oil spill. For the past few years, half of the world's population has been living in cities that forget their history and multiply social, economic, ethnic and cultural differences. Their future is problematic, not only because they are unsustainable sooner rather than later. Pablo López Luz's aerial photographs show cities that are more similar than they appear. Mexico is not so different from Hong Kong or Acapulco. Obviously, the climate, topography, possibility of earthquakes, number of bars per hectare, and a few other things change from one place to another. The framework is not the same, but the picture is almost identical. According to all predictions, cities will become even more homogeneous in the future, forming a single global megalopolis where geographic accidents will be curiosities for idlers, and the circulation of automobiles will remain the only guaranteed public service.