Estrada Discua, Raúl

Raúl Estrada Discua was born in 1913, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and at the age of fifteen, he arrived in Mexico City. He would change his career from medicine to the Academy of San Carlos (1932), where he studied painting, engraving, and photography, the latter discipline of which he would become a professor at the National Preparatory School (1935). He worked as a photographer at the Institute of Social Research (1939-1951), accompanied a commission of studies composed of Rafael Heliodoro Valle, Salvador Toscano, and Francisco Rojas González on a tour of Central America (1948), and covered events for the university Gazette until his retirement at the General Information Directorate, although he would continue to work on a freelance basis until 1973. He excelled as a photomuralist and exhibited his work at the National Library and the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico, as well as in Guatemala, Tegucigalpa, Paris, and London. He passed away in 1998, and in November 2000, he was honored with an exhibition and a roundtable of specialists at the University House of the Book.