Chiriboga, Lucía

Lucía Chiriboga Vega is a photographer and researcher. Since 1992, she has directed the Corporation Center for Photographic and Communication Research "Visual Workshop" in Quito. As a researcher, she has co-authored eight books. Since 1990, she has exhibited her photographic work in both solo and group exhibitions, also participating in biennials in several countries. In 1998, "Lucía Chiriboga" was published by the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Arts of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (FADA-PUCE), PUCE Editions, Quito, Ecuador. As the executive director of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage of Ecuador (INPC) from 2013 to 2017, she inscribed "The Gaze of the Other: Documentary Heritage of the Salesian Apostolic Vicariate in the Ecuadorian Amazon 1890-1930" in the Memory of the World section of UNESCO in 2015.